Actor Akshay Kumar turned into a clown and a 'crocodile' for his daughter on her birthday as she turned four on Sunday. The "Khiladi" star posted on Twitter a colourful and bright image of himself with his daughter Nitara.

SEE PICS: Daddy Akshay Kumar & daughter Nitara avoids the paparazzi!

He captioned it: "Sometimes she makes me a crocodile sometimes she makes me her clown! The things we do, but that smile makes it all worthwhile. Birthday special."

In the image, Nitara is seen dressed up as a butterfly while she is adjusting pink sunglasses on the 49-year-old dad's face.

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Her mother Twinkle Khanna also shared another image where Akshay turned into crocodile for the birthday girl. In the image, the father and daughter can be seen in a small make-shift swimming pool where Akshay is swimming with Nitara on his back.

She posted: "Nitara makes Daddy a crocodile on her birthday #happy4th."