Mumbai: Filmmaker Indra Kumar, who has mostly been directing adult comedies, is looking forward to dabbling with the romantic genre with a sequel to his 1990 film "Dil". He hopes to begin the project this year.

Asked about his plans for the "Dil" sequel, Kumar told IANS: "We will start rolling this year. I am excited about this project as 'Dil' has always been close to my heart. We are deciding on the star cast. Since it has been a successful film, I don't want to let people down. I want to make it special."

He stressed that he wants to "get back to the romantic zone".

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"I want to make a romantic film, so it's (the sequel is) a conscious effort," he added.

"Dil" featured Aamir Khan and Madhuri Dixit in the lead, and was loved for their chemistry.

Kumar's forthcoming film is "Great Grand Masti". He says he is aware that there are some people who want to stay away from sex comedies.

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"I know for a matter of fact that there are few set of people and actors who want to stay away from sex comedies. But these films have made money and later on many filmmakers have experimented with this genre. So, it's just a phase," he said.