New Delhi: Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan, who is currently busy promoting 'Atrangi Re', enjoyed qawwali night at Delhi's Nizamuddin Dargah. She shared two videos on her Instagram story wherein she can be seen listening to the qawwali singers. The star kid donned a dark green and purple traditional outfit and sported a face mask, which had Rinku (her character name in Atrangi Re) embroidered on it. 

The 'Simmba' actress had a blast as she listened to 'Kun Faya Kun' from Ranbir Kapoor's film 'Rockstar' at the dargah. She wished her fans 'Jumma Mubarak' by sharing a glimpse of her 'Chakachak' evening in Delhi. Check out the video!

Sara also posted a photo with her 'Atrangi Re' co-star Akshay Kumar along with the caption, "Chakachak meets Garda." The duo is promoting their upcoming film in the National Capital.  While Sara looked pretty in a yellow ethnic outfit, Khildi Kumar was seen in an all-black look. They flashed their million dollar smiles while striking a pose for the camera.

Sara Ali Khan, who made her Bollywood debut with 'Kedarnath' opposite late Sushant Singh Rajput, will be seen as a Bihari girl name Rinku in 'Atrangi Re'. Her character falls in love with two men. Movie buffs are quite excited for the love triangle as the makers have promised to take them on a rollar coaster ride filled with drama, emotions and music.

'Atrangi Re' will premiere directly on Disney+Hotstar on December 24, 2021. The trailer and songs of the musical romantic drama have managed to strike a chord with the audience. The film co-starring Dhanush has been directed by Aanand L. Rai. It was originally slated to hit the silver screens in February 2021; however, it got delayed due to the COVID-19 crisis. 

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