New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor starrer Sanju has finally hit the silver screens on Friday, June 29. The Rajkumar Hirani directorial which brought on-screen the different facets of Sanjay Dutt’s life has started on a flying date at the box office. The film has received rave reviews from both critics and fans and it is now reflecting in Sanju’s box office. Ranbir has been appreciated for his fine portrayal as Sanjay Dutt and for perfectly getting into the skin of the Munna Bhai M.B.B.S actor.

Sanju has overcome Salman Khan’s Race 3 to become the biggest opener of 2018. The much-awaited film has minted Rs 34.75 crore on the first day.

Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the box office collection of the film on Twitter. He said that despite being a non-festive and non-holiday release, the flick received a massive response. He also mentioned that Sanju is expected to cross the magical Rs 100 crore mark in the first three days.

Sanju has emerged as the biggest opener of the year by raking in a whopping amount at the box office. The earlier record was held by Remo D’Souza’s Race 3 which minted Rs 29.17 crore on its first day.

Trade pundits expected a solid performance by Sanju and the flick surpassed all their expectations. The Sanjay Dutt biopic has become Ranbir Kapoor's highest opener till date.

Sanju which also stars Manisha Koirala, Paresh Rawal, Sonam Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Jim Sarbh, Dia Mirza and Vicky Kaushal in pivotal roles, released across 4000 screens. Considering the first day collection of Sanju, we wouldn’t be surprised if the film breaks many records at the box office.

Also Read- Sanju: Shabana Azmi is floored with Ranbir's portrayal of Sanjay; Tweets to Rishi!