New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor’s Sanju has created ripples at the box office ever since it released last month. The Rajkumar Hirani directorial showed several aspects of Sanjay Dutt’s life but it is was the Munna Bhai M.B.B.S actor’s friendship with Kamli, which grabbed maximum eyeballs. Raazi actor Vicky Kaushal played the character of Dutt’s friend who stood for him thick and thin but little was known about the real life Kamli.

After watching Sanju, the actor’s close friend Paresh Ghelani, on whom the character was based, penned down a heartfelt note for Sanjay Dutt.

"Its been many years of staying away from the social media, i finally give-in to embrace it. as i begin, here to you my brother @duttsanjay a note that i have been writing in my head and heart for a very long time and now here it is all in the open," Paresh wrote on Twitter.

Paresh said that he was numb after watching Sanju and wanted to hug Sanjay Dutt and hold on him and cry.

‘’Now, the entire world shares our story, and the story of the man who's made me a part of his and he has thought me how to get up after every fall. It's hard to convey how many different emotions I'm feeling at this time. How many of us can truly say that we've got friends who not only stand by you through thick and thin, but are as much a brother, a mentor, and your live conscience? ’’ a section of the above letter read.

Paresh ended the note by thanking the Sahib Biwi Aur Gangster 3 actor for being a part of his life and asked the ‘tiger’to keep roaring.

Check out a picture of Sanjay Dutt and Paresh Ghelani, which was shared by the latter on Instagram.

Interestingly, it was actor R Madhavan who introduced Paresh Ghelani to the rest of the world on social media. The Tanu Weds Manu star shared a collage picture with the caption, ‘’FINALLY U R here Bro-Hey Folks pls welcome some1 who is more than a Blood Brother 2 me-my inspiration and my IDOL-THE REAL “KAMILII” from “SANJU”-the elusive,Limelight loathing N my “ Go 2” man 4 all issues-PARESH Ghelani.’’

Sanju has proved to be a huge box office success and is now eyeing the coveted Rs 300 crore club.

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