New Delhi: A lookout notice was recently issued against Aditya Alva, brother-in-law of Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi in connection with the drug scandal in the Kannada film industry. Aditya, who is the son of late minister Jeevaraj Alva, has been absconding for the past one month since the police launched a crackdown against drug peddlers, suppliers and rave party organisers.

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On Thursday, the Bengaluru Police raided Vivek Oberoi’s residence in Mumbai in search of Aditya Alva.

A top police officer told PTI, “Vivek Oberoi is his relative and we got some information that Alva is there. So a court warrant was obtained and the Central Crime Branch team has gone to his house in Mumbai.”

Aditya Alva has been absconding in a drug case registered at Cottonpet police station. Over 15 people have been arrested in the alleged drugs case so far including Kannada film actresses Ragini Dwivedi, Sanjjanaa Galrani, rave party organiser Viren Khanna, realtor Rahul Thonse, and a few Nigerians.

Last month, the Karnataka CCB raided a property owned by Aditya Alva's mother Nandini Alva.

The police have also questioned Ricky Rai, the son of former underworld don-turned-social activist Muthappa Rai, a day after raiding his residence in Hebbal, North Bengaluru. The police believed that Ricky had given shelter to Aditya Alva and hence they summoned him to come in terms with the whereabouts of the accused. The police also suspect Ricky Rai of being in touch with some of the accused in the sandalwood drug scam.

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(With inputs from PTI)