Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's brother-in-law & Arpita Khan's husband Aayush Sharma is all set to make his Bollywood debut with 'Loveratri' opposite Warina Hussain. Today (6th August), the trailer of much-anticipated film got launched in Mumbai and is getting a good response. Apart from Salman, Sohail & Arpita Khan, Aayush's 2-year-old son Ahil Sharma to was present at the trailer launch of daddy's debut film. The antics of Ahil Sharma were too adorable and became one of the highlights of the star-studded event.

Aayush with wife Arpita & son Ahil (Photo: Instagram)

Ahil was with mommy Arpita Khan at the event where she made him sit on the 'Loveratri scooter'. Ahil got to happy after sitting on it and was all smiles looking too cute. Check out the video below:

Below are some more pictures and videos from the Mumbai trailer launch event of 'Loveratri':

Loveratri: Why Salman Khan pushed brother-in-law Aayush Sharma down the sand dunes?

Aayush Sharma's debut film 'Loveratri' is set against the backdrop of Navratri festival in Gujarat. Aayush plays the role of 'Sushrut' who falls in love with a NRI girl (played by Warina) but her father is against their relationship and acts as a road-block. How 'Sushrut' makes his ladylove's father ready for their relationship makes the essence of the 'Loveratri'

Co-starring Ram Kapoor and Ronit Roy in pivotal roles, 'Loveratri' has special appearances of Sohail Khan & Arbaaz Khan too. 'Loveratri' will hit the silver screens on October 5.

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