New Delhi: Bollywood’s bhaijaan Salman Khan has his hands full with a lot of things. Currently he is also promoting his upcoming film ‘Race 3’ along with his Da-Bang tour. Also for TV he is shooting for Sony Entertainment Television game ‘Dus Ka Dum’. But despite of all this, Salman also has another project which he will launch soon.
‘Sultan’ actor will soon launch his own theatre chain and its name will be ‘Salman Talkies’. It is said to be his dream project.
In Salman Talkies, movie tickets will be of less cost than other theatres and also tickets will be tax-free. Actor said that ticket rates should be Rs 120-150 for the weekdays, and for the weekends, it should not be more than Rs 250. Salman Khan’s theatre will show movies to underprivileged children free of cost.
However, this project has already taken 2 years and may take some more time before its gets ready. Talking to Mumbai Mirror, Salman said, “I had a lot of plans for the theatre chain but it’s taking me longer because I need to be very careful. There are a lot of logistical details involved so that the project doesn’t shut down."
He further said, “There are so many things I want to do in the exhibitor and distributor space, and by turning distributor with Race 3, I have taken my first step in that direction. This chain adds another aspect to my portfolio.”
Theatre will not be in posh places like Bandra or Juhu but on the outskirts of Mumbai.