Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's brother-in-law & Arpita Khan's husband Aayush Sharma is all set to make his Bollywood debut with 'Loveratri' opposite Warina Hussain. Today (6th August), the trailer of much-anticipated film got launched in Mumbai where Salman Khan also talked about various things apart from Aayush-Warina's 'Loveratri'. Few days ago, Priyanka Chopra walked out of Salman Khan's 'Bharat' due to some special reason in 'nick' of time giving speculations to her engagement with Nick Jonas. At the trailer launch, Salman Khan was asked about the couple's engagement and his reaction is surely surprising.

Salman Khan (Photo: Web)

Loveratri Trailer Launch: Salman talks about debut film 'Maine Pyar Kiya' & competition with Aamir's 'Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak'!

Speaking about the same, Salman Khan said, “I have not been reading the newspapers from the past few days as I have been busy with Loveratri. Once I read it, I will call you and tell you about it.

Yes, Salman sarcastically answered the question and chose not to talk about Priyanka Chopra.

Ever since Priyanka walked out of 'Bharat', there were reports that Salman Khan is angry with her for quitting Ali Abbas Zafar's film at the last moment. When Salman's father Salim Khan was asked about the same and revealed that 'Tiger Zinda Hai' actor is not miffed with the 'Quantico' actress.

Priyanka with beau Nick (Photo: Instagram)

Priyanka Chopra finally reacts on her engagement with beau Nick Jonas!

Later, Priyanka's mother Madhu Chopra also reacted on the same and said, “I don't know if Salman is upset or not, please ask him but yes Priyanka has exited Bharat."

Now, Salman's ex-girlfriend and close friend Katrina Kaif has replaced Priyanka Chopra in 'Bharat'.

Speaking about Priyanka Chopra & Nick, the good-looking couple reportedly got engaged on 18th July during her 36th birthday celebration in London. Also, there are reported that Priyanka & Nick are all set to get married on the American singer's 26th birthday on September 16.

Stay tuned for more updates!