Mumbai: Superstar Salman Khan on Monday started shooting for the third installment of "Dabangg" in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. "Back in our birthplace for 'Dabangg 3' shoot Arbaaz Khan," Salman posted a video on Instagram with brother & film's producer Arbaaz Khan. Take a look at his post below:

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Details related to the plot of "Dabangg 3" are still under wraps.

It is reported that "Dabangg 3" will be helmed by choreographer and filmmaker Prabhu Deva. The first installment of the movie series "Dabangg", which released in 2010, was directed by Abhinav Kashyap while "Dabangg 2" was directed by Arbaaz Khan.

"Dabangg" tells the story of Chulbul Pandey, a police officer who has his own way of dealing with corruption.

The franchise also stars Sonakshi Sinha, Arbaaz and Mahie Gill in key roles.