The actor who was present at the trailer launch of his upcoming film "Race 3" was asked about his opinion on the recent incidents of child abuse and harassment that has taken place.
"I think whatever is happening with children is wrong. I think we should stand on this and get this stopped," Salman told the media.
Salman spoke on various other topics like how he bagged the film for which he had to get the 'Race' franchise format changed [and adding humor he continued] and got a bit of 'Hum Aapke Hain Koun' added. He also got angry while answering a question over his Black Buck Poaching Case verdict question. He joked too about Bobby Deol's transformation saying "he should be called Body Deol now". Watch here - Race 3 Trailer Launch Event: Salman- “script was offered to me two years ago but I didn’t think….”
The film "Race 3" is releasing on June 15.