New Delhi: ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’, starring Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh, opened in cinemas throughout the globe on Friday, raising hopes that Karan Johar may finally bring Bollywood a smash hit. The film's producers took a risk by releasing it a week after 'Barbenheimer' release, but the opening collection of the film remains strong. With Rs 11.10 crores on its first day, the film has won over moviegoers. Word of mouth has been very favourable, therefore the film is expected to see an increase on Sunday.
The box office debut of Karan Johar’s directorial ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ brought in Rs 11.50 crores. The film starring Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh did have a decent opening (in the double digits), but it seems to have performed less well than anticipated.
The first day's earnings of Karan Johar's film indicate that it might be a major commercial success. The box office number was posted on Dharma Productions' official social media accounts.
The film also features Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan, Shabana Azmi, Aamir Bashir, Tota Roy Choudhury and Churni Ganguly, in addition to Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh.
Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani review
The film has opened to largely positive reviews from critics. ABP Live’s review called the film a perfect ‘Bollywood masala family entertainer.’ The review read, 'Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani' ticks all the mainstream family entertainer films that offer a no-brainer story, is lavishly designed and decorated, songs to watch on a big screen, laughs to be shared with fellow movie-watchers, and A-listers with great chemistry. Karan Johar makes a film unabashedly unapologetic, and for that he gets full marks for keeping his signature alive.
There is ample song and dance and everything to get your paisa vasool in 'Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani'. So make sure to watch the film in a theatre.”