Hollywood superstar Dwayne Johnson has become the proud owner of a lavish Rs 208 crore mansion in Beverly Hills. The former WWE star has reportedly invested Rs $27.8 million in a house which boasts of a world-class gym, baseball diamond, movie theatre and tennis court. The ‘Scorpion King’ actor has shelled out a whopping amount to buy his dream house. The amount might seem exorbitant but this is the price you have pay if you wish to live in a grand mansion. 

According to a report in Dirt.com, the palatial property has both indoor and outdoor swimming pools and a sports compound. ‘Stranger Things’ and ‘Mad About You’ actor Paul Reiser sold the mansion to The Rock, who managed to negotiate a better deal as it was earlier priced at $30 million.  

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The Mediterranean landscaping is one of the highlights of the property. The mansion was built by Alex Van Halen in 1993. Beverely Hills is considered the most expansive gated community in LA as some of the leading celebrities reside here. 

Johnson’s new abode is located 'high in the mountains’ and spans over 7k square foot. Indeed, it is not like the other mansions in LA.  

(Swipe to see the photos which were posted on the official Instagram handle of Dirt) 

Johnson, who also owns a 45-acre estate in Georgia, topped the list of Forbes’ Annual Highest Paid actors. He earned close to $90 million in 2020, beating the likes of Ryan Reynolds and Mark Wahlberg, who came second and third respectively.  

On the professional front, Dwayne will be next seen in ‘Jungle Cruise’, which is slated to hit the silver screens on July 30, 2021. The 48-year-old actor will be seen playing the role of a riverboat caption Frank Wolff in the fantasy adventure film.  

The Hollywood heartthrob also has 'Red Notice' and 'Black Adam' in his kitty. He is producing both the upcoming films. 

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