Twitter has been one of the amazing social media platforms to express one’s viewpoints. Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor has never shied away from voicing his opinion on social media. Recently, he took a dig at Hollywood's sensation Kim Kardashian. Yes, Rishi Kapoor trolled KimK and her outfit which he thinks

Yes! The actor trolled Kim for her outfit which according to him resembled something really funny.


He took to Twitter wherein he shared a pic of the ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ star and captioned it as ‘Onions in a mesh bag!’ This isn’t the first time when Rishi has taken a dig at someone. Earlier he took a dig at Hilary Clinton's picture.

Also: Rishi Kapoor shares a pic of Hillary Clinton giving a ‘Bl***ob’; Says, ‘F**k you to the haters!