New Delhi: Rishi Kapoor is making a comeback to the silver screen! Moviegoers will not have to wait for long as his upcoming release 'Jhootha Kahin Ka' will hit the theatres on July 19. The actor, who has been in New York for medical treatment, will be seen on screen in Smeep Kang's directorial which also stars Jimmy Shergill, Sunny Singh, Lillete Dubey, Omkar Kapoor, and Manoj Joshi.

The news, along with a poster of the film, was shared by film critic and Trade Analyst on social media.

The poster shows the 'Pyar Ka Punchnama 2' fame Omkar and Sunny wearing identical pink quirky party caps at the forefront with Jimmy and Rishi tied with fairy lights.

The poster reads 'Liars need to have good memories' and hints at the film to be an atypical comedy. Take a look at the poster below:

The upcoming movie is produced by Anuj Sharma and Deepak Mukut.

Rishi has been seeking medical treatment for an unknown health condition. He had shared the news on his Twitter handle last September and added that he would be back in India soon.

On the work front, Rishi Kapoor last appeared in 'Mulk' and 'Rajma Chawal'.