Mumbai: Actor Ranveer Singh says he had a fan moment meeting Indian star shuttler P.V. Sindhu and added that he loves her spirit. Ranveer met Sindhu on Tuesday at the Forbes India Tycoon Of Tomorrow event, where he was feted with the Youth Icon Award. Sindhu shared a photograph of herself with the actor and captioned it: "
Finally we meet! It was such a pleasure meeting you and an absolute fan moment.I congratulate you for all the success and I wish you all the very best for your future endeavours. I would rather call you 'rockstar' than Ranveer Singh."
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To which, Ranveer replied: "
Yes, finally! it was a pleasure indeed! and likewise, a fan moment for me too... You make us so proud, champ! Love your spirit. May you continue to shine bright."
On the acting front, Ranveer is currently busy shooting for filmmaker Rohit Shetty's "Simmba", which also features actor Saif Ali Khan's daughter Sara.