It’s difficult to keep our calm after knowing that Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh will be getting married in three days in Lake Como. The ‘Padmaavat’ co-stars, who twinned in white, jetted off to Italy in the wee hours of Saturday morning. We earlier informed you that the preparations for DeepVeer’s wedding in ‘Villa del Balbianello’ have already started and now we have caught hold of a video which gives us a glimpse of the preparations.

The wedding venue where Deepika and Ranveer will tie the knot has been all decked up. The villa rooms have been decorated with red roses, giving it a romantic setting. Check out the video right here!

Ever since Ranveer and Deepika announced their marriage on social media, fans have been eagerly waiting to see the two lovebirds walk down the aisle. Although, the couple has reportedly asked the guests to not bring their mobile phones to the wedding venue, we are hopeful, we might get some pictures.

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DeepVeer have invited their ‘Padmaavat’ director Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Farah Khan for their wedding. It is expected that Shah Rukh Khan and Arjun Kapoor will also attend the wedding of the year in Italy.

After returning back to India, the two Bollywood stars will throw a reception in Banglore for close friends and family members on November 21.

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Deepika and Ranveer will also host a lavish wedding reception for their industry friends on December 1 in Mumbai.

The video which has been going viral is actually from Kylie Jenner's Instagram!

UPDATE- Say WHAT! Kylie Jenner's video is going VIRAL as Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh’s wedding venue’s video

Stay tuned for all the updates related to DeepVeer’s wedding.