The lady who became overnight sensation by singing Lata Mangeshkar's 'Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma Hai' at Ranaghat railway station of West Bengal has recorded her first Bollywood song with Himesh Reshammiya for his upcoming movie 'Happy Hardy And Heer' and now the actor-composer has shared it's first glimpse which will give you goosebumps. The viral lady Ranu Mondal appeared as a guest on singing reality show 'Superstar Singer' this weekend and it is then that Himesh offered her to record a song for his film. Before the episode went on-air, Himesh shared a video ahead of it from the studio with Ranu singing for him. The song titled 'Teri Meri Kahani' is a duet and Himesh has lent his voice for the male part. Himesh shared yet another making video in which the excited Ranu talks about the golden chance she was given by Himesh while the composer is all praise for her. The latest video also has a teaser from their upcoming song which is sure to get you excited for the full version.

Himesh says in the video- "Superstar Singer mei jab Ranu ji aayin, toh mujhe bohot his divine awaaz lagi.[glimpse to Ranu's singing on show's stage]"

Ranu says in the video- "Superstar singer mei maine jab gana aaya toh Himesh ji ne mujhe gaane ka mauka diya film mei."

And then the romantic teaser video of 'Teri Meri Kahani' plays from the film featuring Himesh and Sonia Mann as the lead stars. Also in a glimpse from studio-recording we see Himesh instructing Ranu who's standing before the microphone how to deliver this song which she grasps immediately and the composer is floored.

Himesh- "Aaj hamne recording ki hai aur itni sundar recording huyi hai ki kog dang reh jayenge!".

Yes, it certainly has left us in awe of this lady who once worked at the station and now Himesh is being applauded for giving her this huge chance of making her Bollywood debut in playback singing.

The celebrities including Suniel Shetty, Salma Agha and others have already praised him earlier when he shared the first video.

"Such Moments Touch Us.." -Bollywood Celebrities laud Himesh Reshammiya for recording song with the viral lady Ranu Mondal!

Watch both the videos below.

He captioned the first video:"Recorded teri meri kahani my new song from happy hardy and heer with the very talented ranu mondal who has a divine voice , all your our dreams can come true if we have the courage to peruse them , a positive attitude can really make dreams come true , thanks for all your love and support".

Ranu Mondal looks way better than what she did in her first video from the station as the lady was given a complete makeover soon after grooming her to look presentable.

PICS: Railway station Viral video lady singer Ranu Mondal who sang Lata Mangeshkar’s ‘Ek pyaar ka nagma hai’ gets complete makeover!

Himesh then posted a video from the show in which he made the offer to Ranu.

He wrote- "Thank you Super Star Singer and the team of Sony to showcase such amazing talent from all parts of the world on the show, whether it’s the kids or the seniors, all are truely historic talents. Lots of love "

And finally the video carrying 'Teri Meri Kahani' teaser. "The divine intervention - Thanks for the unadulterated love that you have given to Ranu ji, Teri Meri Kahani and Happy Hardy And Heer & Super Star Singer"

Here's a revisit to the viral video that made Ranu Mondal a viral sensation: