According to a report in Pinkvilla, Ranbir took some time off his shooting schedule and celebrated the festival of Lohri in Delhi. Few fan clubs of the actor shared photos and videos from his Lohri celebrations on social media. The 'Sanju' star donned a printed shirt, jeans and brown jacket and sported a mask as a precautionary measure against COVID-19. He can be seen participating in the celebrations in the clip. He lit a bonfire and performed the rituals with other people.
(Swipe to see the photos)
The makers of Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor's upcoming film are yet to reveal the title. They have managed to keep the details under wraps. Gossip mills are buzzing with the rumours that Boney Kapoor and Dimple Kapadia will play Ranbir Kapoor's parents in the romantic comedy.
The 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' actor recently enjoyed a vacation with his girlfriend Alia Bhatt and his family members in Ranthambore. Ranbir and Alia's wedding became the talk of the town after the former revealed in an interview that they would have got married if the COVID-19 crisis didn't affect their lives.
On the professional front, Ranbir has two exciting projects in his kitty including 'Brahmastra' and 'Shamshera'. He will be seen opposite his ladylove Alia Bhatt in Ayan Mukerji's 'Brahmastra'. The movie also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy and Nagarjuna Akkineni. YRF's 'Shamshera' will also feature Sanjay Dutt and Vaani Kapoor.