While the whole nation celebrates Independence Day and Rakshabandhan today, we showed you how the Bollywood celebrities including Amitabh Bachchan, Shraddha Kapoor and others shared beautiful messages with adorable pictures on the occasion and now drops the much awaited Rakhi celebration picture from Shahid Kapoor's family. Mira just posted the Raksha Bandhan celebration picture and both the parents Mira and Shahid are seen seated with their adorable kids Misha Kapoor and Zain Kapoor in their laps while the sister tying rakhi to the brother. Mommy Mira and Misha are twinning in pink and yellow salwar-kurta while daddy and son twin in white similar printed kurtas.

Raksha Bandhan 2019: Bollywood Celebs Amitabh Bachchan, Shraddha Kapoor, Taimur Ali Khan, Sara, Kunal & Others Celebrate Sibling Love

Mira captions the picture - "Promises to keep ????". 

Zain will turn 1 next month on September 5th while Misha born in 2016 is turning 3 on August 26th this month itself.

Mira also shared the puja thaali picture and another picture of the brother-sister duo on her Insta-story. The adorable duo is seen opening what looks like the envelopes or gifts received on Raksha Bandhan.

Here they are: 

Mira Rajput posts Raksha Bandhan celebration pictures on Insta-story

Mira Rajput posts Raksha Bandhan celebration pictures on Insta-story

ALSO - Raksha Bandhan 2019: "Finally Hans Gets a Rakhi This Year"- Sameera Reddy Sharing Newborn Daughter Nyra's Cute Pic With Big Brother!

Mira Rajput posts Raksha Bandhan celebration pictures on Insta-story

ALSO - Shahid's son Zain pinches big sis Misha, Mira Rajput captures their fight over a flower in pics!

Mira Rajput's sister Noor Wadhwani and Priya Tulshan also sent Rakhi envelopes to the family from their kids.