New Delhi: Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao, who tied the knot with Patralekaa on November 15, shared unseen pictures from his wedding bash on social media. The ‘Roohi’ star posted two photos wherein he can be seen shaking a leg with his wife during their wedding celebrations.
What Did Rajkummar Rao Post?
The ‘Stree’ actor dropped pictures along with the caption, “Dance like there is no tomorrow.” In the first snap, he is seen dancing on ‘Jumma Chumma De De’ with Patralekhaa. While Rao donned a white outfit, his wife wore a green colored attire for the celebrations.
Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages.
Also READ: 'We Are Soulmates': Rajkummar Rao Shares Glimpse Of 'Most Beautiful Day Of His Life'.
(Swipe to see the photos)
Rajkummar Rao had earlier dropped an adorable video, featuring moments from his wedding with Patralekhaa, along with a sweet note.
"Honestly, it has been ten years but still feels that we just started dating. We love each other’s company so much. We keep saying this to each other but we are soulmates. And I truly believe that. Thank you for being my wife," the 'Shahid' actor said in the video. He captioned his post as, “Sharing a glimpse of the most beautiful day of our lives with all of you.”
He can be seen asking Patralekhaa to apply sindoor (vermilion) on his forehead during their wedding in the video.
Rajkummar and Patralekhaa tied the knot in Chandigarh in the presence of their loved ones. The likes of Hansal Mehta, Farah Khan and Anubhav Sinha attended their wedding. The couple, who worked together in 'CityLights', got hitched after dating each other for over a decade.
Rajkummar Rao's Upcoming Films
On the professional front, the 'Made In China' star was recently seen in 'Hum Do Hamaare Do'. He has several exciting projects in pipeline including 'Monica, O My Darling', 'HIT-The First Case' and 'Badhaai Do'.
Rajkummar recently announced his new film titled 'Mr And Mrs Mahi', which will be produced by Karan Johar. He will share screen-space with Janhvi Kapoor for the second time in the movie.
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