Films producer Ramesh Turani had then said said - "Yes, such an incident did happen. Jacqueline hurt herself while playing squash on the sets. However, it is just a minor injury. She was taken to the doctor as a precaution. She has resumed shooting. And she will attend the Dabangg tour in Pune on 24 March."
A source was also quoted saying by an online portal that "Jacqueline was immediately rushed to the hospital. Her eye didn’t stop bleeding. She is currently under observation and will be discharged only after the doctors treat her eye."
Although she was discharged after the primary treatment and she even shot a climax scene for the film with glasses on since because of the visible injury.
And now after about two months, Jacqueline shares this sad news with fans with also the extreme close-up of her eye half an hour ago on Instagram, saying - "So it’s a permanent injury and my iris will never be a perfect round again but so so grateful I can see!! #race3memories ❤️❤️ #abudhabi"
It is clearly visible in the picture above that her Iris in not round anymore but at the same time it is a huge relief to know that our gorgeous actress hasn't suffered loss of sight in this unfortunate incident.
More power to you Jacqueline!
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