Mumbai: Filmmaker Karan Johar has praised the entire cast and crew of the film "Manmarziyan" and said that he is proud of actor Abhishek Bachchan's performance in the film. "The man-woman dynamics of 'Manmarziyan' are beautifully chaotic. The atmospherics combined with the Anurag Kashyap madness makes this film a truly unusual and magical emotional ride! I was on an Amit Trivedi roller coaster and enjoyed every bit of it," Karan tweeted. The filmmaker also praised the film's writer Kanika Dhillon's writing.

Abhishek-Taapsee in a still from 'Manmarziyaan'

"She captures the emotional beats with ease and expertise. The performances are extraordinary! A superbly solid, silent and sensitive portrayal by Abhishek Bachchan! So proud of his work! He is so amazing!" he wrote.

"Vicky Kaushal is all gusto and glory portraying a manic lover with genius abandon! He has some moments of brilliance in the film! Taapsee Pannu holds the strings of her layered character like an absolute veteran," he added.

MANMARZIYAAN Star Cast Interview: Abhishek Bachchan dedicates a song from movie to wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Check out Karan Johar's tweets below:

"Manmarziyaan" is a love triangle set between two men played by Vicky and Abhishek who fall in love with Taapsee. The film released on September 7.