Priyanka and Nick tied the knot in two ceremonies on 1st and 2nd December at Umaid Bhawan Palace of Jodhpur this weekend in a lavish wedding. Their wedding pictures just dropped and while the fans were drooling over those, here come the dashing couple with yet another stunning appearance.
Nickyanka's respective family members also posed for the photographers at the reception venue. Brother Joe Jonas with his fiance and 'Game of Thrones' star Sophie Turner, mother Denise, father Paul Kevin Jonas Sr, Peecee's mother Madhu and brother Siddharth Chopra came together for a beautiful group picture.
ALSO - Here’s how much Nick Jonas’ saali Parineeti Chopra demanded jiju for ‘joota churayi’!
ALSO - “I love you both -Dad” -Nick’s father shares his fav Priyanka Chopra’s mehendi pic to congratulate them both!
IMP UPDATE: PM Narendra Modi ARRIVES at Nickyanka Reception in Delhi; PICS-VIDEOS!