While all eyes are on Jodhpur Wedding of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas as the couple along with their family and friends have headed to the city for the royal marriage that's taking place just 2 days after, on 2nd December, everyone awaits the first glimpse of the venue and the place. Filmy monkey just laid hands at the first and exclusive pictures as our reporters Raj Dixit and Joyeet Suvarna manage catch glimpse of the grand Umaid Bhawan Palace with lights put up ahead of Nickyanka wedding and also the stage that's being prepped up for the Sangeet ceremony that's going to happen here soon.

Here is the first and exclusive picture of Umaid Bhawan where the desi girl Peecee and her videshi munda Nick will tie the knot.

Umaid Bhawan Palace lit up in purple lights ahead of Priyanka Chorpa, Nick Jonas' wedding in Jodhpur

And here's another picture from the Sangeet ceremony that's reportedly taking place tomorrow i.e. 30th November.

Sangeet ceremony set up for Priyanka Chorpa, Nick Jonas' wedding at Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur

Priyanka's brother Siddharth Chopra, mom Madhu Chopra, Nick Jonas' brother Kevin with wife Danielle, Joe with fiance Sophie Turner, father Paul Kevin Jonas, mother Denise, Peecee's cousin sister Parineeti and friends like Anusha Dandekar with Boyfriend Karan Kundra arrived in Jodhpur this morning[PICS!] while the couple had reached earlier.

Filmy monkey has been keeping you posted will all the updates on Nickyanka Wedding and the latest we told you was about what the couple plans to give as their wedding giveaway gifts to their guests. We also gave you details on their wedding menu and the security at Umaid Bhawan. '

Stay tuned for all updates!

UPDATE: Cricket match between Nickyanka; Mehendi, Sangeet, Haldi & MORE!