Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has been a proud daddy's girl. Her father Dr. Ashok Chopra battled cancer for a brief period before passing away in the year 2013. It has been three years since the tragedy and not a day has gone when Priyanka did not remember her father. The actress recently took to her social media account to share an emotional note on the birthday of his late father.

Priyanka Chopra


She wrote:


Priyanka wrote, ''Something's hurt just as bad.. Time doesn't heal everything.. Miss you papa..Would have been a very happy birthday..

Also: Priyanka Chopra’s Mom Madhu Chopra to make acting debut!

Earlier Priyanka revealed in an interview, “His death has been a big blow. I still haven’t dealt with it,” she says. “I don’t know if I’ve healed, but it doesn’t hurt either. I don’t think I have accepted it. I feel like I’m travelling all over the world, and dad will be home when I return. I think grief becomes your constant companion. You just learn to live with it.”