After making their relationship official in August with a traditional roka ceremony, Bollywood actress turned Global icon Priyanka Chopra & her American singer-actor beau Nick Jonas are giving couple goals to many. Recently, the much-in-love couple was seen visiting Jodhpur yesterday (2nd October). Priyanka & Nick got snapped at at Mehrangarh Fort and rumors started doing the rounds that the couple will be tying the knot there and they are in Jodhpur to finalize their wedding venue.

But those were mere rumors and Priyanka herself revealed the real reason of visiting Jodhpur. Well, Priyanka was in Jodhpur with fiance Nick Jonas & brother Siddharth Chopra for the birthday celebration of her bestie Tamanna Dutt’s husband Sudeep Dutt’s birthday.

PICS: Priyanka Chopra cheers for fiance Nick Jonas as he plays football with Ishaan Khatter, Aditya Roy Kapur among others!

PeeCee posted a picture from the celebrations and wished him happy birthday. She wrote, “Happy birthday Maharaja @sudeepdutt ???? what a wonderful birthday lunch. I’m so glad we got to spend it together! Wish you the best in life always. Keep smiling and dancing the night away! ???????????? @tam2cul @siddharthchopra89 @nickjonas.

Check out Priyanka's post below:

Here are some more pictures from the birthday celebrations:

PICS: Priyanka Chopra & fiance Nick Jonas snapped hand-in-hand as they step out for a dinner date!

Few weeks ago, Nick Jonas shared his love story with Priyanka Chopra on "The Tonight Show" with Jimmu Fallon with the world. On the show he candidly revealed that PeeCee is not very fond of the celeb name 'Niyanka' given to them by fans and she likes 'Prick' instead. They are indeed giving couple goals to many & we're now desperately waiting for their much-hyped wedding.

On the professional front, Priyanka Chopra is busy shooting for her next Bollywood film 'The Sky Is Pink' co-starring Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim. Whereas, Nick's recently single 'Right Now' is getting all the love from his fans.

Stay tuned for more updates!