It’s difficult to keep calm when Bollywood biggies like Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra-Nick Jonas are getting married. While we know that DeepVeer are getting hitched on November 14 and 15, NickYanka are yet to announce the dates for their wedding. Speculations are rife that PeeCee and the ‘Right Now’ singer will be getting married on December 2 at Umaid Bhawan Jodhpur. Fans are super excited to see their ‘Desi’ girl walk down the aisle and they just can’t wait for the D-day.

Gossip mills are buzzing with the rumours that international magazines are lobbying hard to get Priyanka-Nick’s exclusive wedding pictures. A report in an entertainment portal suggested that leading magazines are doing their best to feature exclusive photos from NickYanka’s wedding.

THESE Bollywood biggies to ATTEND Priyanka-Nick's wedding? 

Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja’s wedding got featured in Vogue India’s July edition and we could see something similar in Priyanka-Nick’s case, the report in BollywoodLife said.

(Source- Team Priyanka Chopra's Twitter)

Talking about Priyanka, the ‘Quantico’ actress is enjoying her final days as a bachelorette. The ‘Bajirao Mastani’ star’s close friends Mubina Rattonsey and Anjula Achari hosted a grand bridal shower for her at Tiffany's Blue Box Cafe in New York City. Piggy Chops’ mother Madhu Chopra and her to-be mother-in-law Denise Jonas attended the bash and they looked all happy and excited.

PICS: Priyanka Chopra's epic pyjama party with Parineeti & her girl-gang!

Priyanka along with his cousin Parineeti Chopra, to-be sister-in-law Sophie Turner and other her gal pals headed to Amsterdam last week for her bachelorette party.

Speculations are rife that 1500-2000 guests are expected to attend Priyanka-Nick’s wedding in Jodhpur. The former Miss World is rumoured to be wearing a Sabyasachi creation as her wedding outfit. The two lovebirds have obtained a marriage license in the United States (US), a report in People magazine said.

WATCH: Priyanka Chopra gives a piggyback ride to Sophie Turner 

Are you excited to see Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas walk down the aisle? Tell us in the comments section below.

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Priyanka Chopra's sister Parineeti had the cutest social media banter with her future brother-in-law Nick Jonas