National awards winning actres Priyanka Chopra, who became a global icon after her show 'Quantico', got hitched to International star Nick Jonas on 1st & 2nd December in Christian and Hindu wedding ceremonies respectively. Priyanka & Nick, who made their relationship public after a roka ceremony earlier this year, tied the knot at Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur. Ever since then, the much-in-love couple's wedding pictures are doing the rounds on Internet. Now again, few unseen pictures from Nickyanka's Hindu wedding ceremony are breaking the internet.

In the pictures, the couple is beaming with joy and are exchanging wedding  vows. Check out the new pictures below (SWIPE LEFT):

Nick Jonas still seems to be in a celebratory mood as he shared an unseen picture from their Christian wedding, few hours ago on social media, to celebrate one week of marriage with ladylove Priyanka.

The newly-married couple was recently spotted in Udaipur where they attended the pre-wedding festivities of Isha Ambani & Anand Piramar who are set to tie the knot on 12th December.

On the career front, Priyanka will next be seen in Shonali Bose's upcoming directorial 'The Sky Is Pink' which also features Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim.

Coming back to the latest wedding pictures, the couple looks great together and heartiest congratulations to them from out team!