Bollywood actor Preity Zinta’s cousin Nitin Chauhan committed suicide on Friday morning in Shimla. Chauhan shot himself with a pistol in a vehicle bearing the registration number HP 51 2089 near Sector 2, new Shimla.

Soon, his family members informed the police after they saw blood near the car. Police received two suicide notes of four page each. Cops found one note from his care and the other from his home.

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Reportedly, in both notes that he left behind, he has blamed his wife and in-laws for driving him to suicide. He has also accused them of harassing him by filing false cases and not allowing him to meet his son. Soon, after reading the suicide note cops have registered abutment to suicide case against his in-laws.

According to a report, a senior police official said, “The victim and his wife had separated two years ago. The case regarding legal separation was pending in the court.” He further said, “The hearing of the case was on Friday.

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A police officer told Hindustan Times that, “We have not interrogated anyone but registered a case against those mentioned in suicide note.

Police is yet to trace the the source of weapon and they have send weapon for forensic examination. It is said that the weapon was not of the victim. Police has also sent his phone for forensic investigation and will note all call details.