Bollywood actress Sameera Reddy, who got married to entrepreneur-beau Akshai Varde in January 2014, is all set to be a mother for the second time. Sameera, who is already a mother to three-and-a-half year old son Hans Varde, is in her final trimester and will reportedly welcome her second child in July. The 'Darna Mana Hai' actress, who is super-excited for the arrival of her little munchkin, is currently having a great time as she is chilling with her family in Goa.

Sameera Reddy (Photo: Instagram)

Mommy-to-be Sameera has been posting various pictures from her Goa vacation in which she can be seen having the timer of her life. Yesterday (27th May), Sameera posted few pictures in which she is looking calm and happy. She captioned the pictures as, "Breathe. To pause. To make space. To collect your thoughts. To Remember. To face the next moment . To choose . 🌸.
#goa #holiday #breathe #rest #relax #pregnancy #momlife"

Sameera Reddy with husband and son (Photo: Web)

Take a look a the pictures below (SWIPE LEFT):

7 months pregnant Sameera Reddy looks gorgeous in her latest photoshoot

Sameera also posted various holiday pictures in her Insta stories. In one of the pictures, Sameera is flaunting her growing baby bump proudly as she enjoys sunset. Check out the pictures below:

(Photo: Instagram)

(Photo: Instagram)

(Photo: Instagram)

(Photo: Instagram)

(Photo: Instagram)

(Photo: Instagram)

On the Bollywood front, Sameera Reddy made her Bollywood debut opposite Sohail Khan in 2002 film 'Maine Dil Tujhko Diya'. Post which, she went on to feature in many films including 'Musafir', 'Taxi Number 9211', 'Race', 'De Dana Dan' among others. She was last seen in 2012 film 'Chakravyuh' in which she performed on the song 'Kunda Khola'. Directed by Prakash Jha, 'Chakravyuh' featured Arjun Rampal, Esha Gupta and Abhay Deol in lead roles.

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