Bollywood actress Lisa Haydon and her husband Dino Lalvani are all set to welcome a new member into their lives. The couple, who is parents to Zack and Leo, is expecting a baby girl in June 2021. Lisa announced her third pregnancy by sharing a cute video on social media in February 2021. The soon-to-be mommy is enjoying her pregnancy phase to the fullest and she keeps on sharing baby bump photos on social media.
The ‘Rascals’ actress recently went to a beach with her son Leo and spent quality time with her baby boy. She flaunted her bare baby bump while carrying her son in her arms. Lisa penned a heartfelt post on Instagram ahead of the arrival of her daughter. She mentioned how Leo already loves the water and might become an early swimmer.
PICS: Bollywood’s Yummy Mummy Lisa Flaunts Her Curves In Bikini As She Poses With Son In A Beach
The doting mommy, who gave birth to Leo in February 2020, shared her feelings about her son before the birth of his sister.
“Any other moms out there nervous about another baby coming along while you still have a baby in your arms? I worry about his little emotions, how will he feel and express himself while he’s yet learning how to talk. Precious boy you are so loved and will be ever so even when your sister arrives in ten weeks,” Lisa wrote.
“On another note, so thankful the beaches in Hong Kong have opened after endless months of lockdowns. They are truly more magical and cleaner than I’ve ever seen them. April is my favourite beach month here - the water is still crisp, the sun not too hot and the beaches not yet super crowded. Love that this year Leo gets to share the beach with us. He already loves the water. Maybe he’ll be an early swimmer,” she added.
Shibandi Dandekar and other celebs dropped comments on the post.
Lisa Haydon, who got married to Dino Lalvani in October 2016, welcomed first child Zack in May 2017. On the professional front, she was last seen on the big screen in Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma 's ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’. She has also featured in movies like ‘Aisha’, ‘Housefull 3’ and ‘The Shaukeens’.