New Delhi: Bollywood actor Prateik Babbar tied the knot with his fiancée Sanya Sagar on January 23 in Lucknow. The entire Babbar family including Raj Babbar, Juhi Babbar, Arya Babbar was present in Lucknow for the wedding. The photos and videos from the wedding are making waves on social media. Prateik, who was last seen in ‘Mulk’, hosted a flapper-themed party for his Bollywood colleagues and friends on Friday (January 25) in Mumbai.

Prateik Babbar & Sanya Sagar get MARRIED; Here are the pictures from their WEDDING!

Prateik and Sanya made an extravagant entry at their wedding reception and they were all smiles while posing for the shutterbugs. Check out the video!

The newly married couple shared a passionate kiss and posed happily for the paparazzi. Prateik looked dapper in a pinstriped three-piece suit while his ladylove Sanya looked stunning in her black outfit. The ‘Dhobi Ghaat’ actor completed his look with a black hat, umbrella and sunglasses, giving everyone the perfect party feel.

Check out the photos!

On the professional front, Prateik will be next seen in Amazon Prime’s ‘Four More Shots Please’.

We extend our heartiest congratulations to Prateik Babbar and Sanya Sagar.

Watch this space for more updates!

PICS ALERT- Newly-married Prateik Babbar & Sanya Sagar look stunning as they pose for pics together at Lucknow wedding reception!