New Delhi: Famous South Indian actor Prakash Raj seems to have struck the controversial chord with a sequence in the movie 'Jai Bhim' that released on an OTT platform recently. In the movie, the actor's character is seen slapping a man for speaking in Hindi. The actor can be seen slapping the other person present in the scene and tells him to speak in Tamil. 

Take a look at the scene here:

The scene seems to have created a rife with Twitter users who started expressing their disgust over it. An angered user wrote, "Don't forget the Tilak and that too in vertical position, because in Tamil Nadu normally people use moon shape tika or kumkum, this detail is important to show the guy who got slapped is North Indian. This is an intentional act to show hatred against hindi people." Another user wrote,"The film is named after Ambedkar slogan. Jai Bhim means Hail Ambedkar. And they show a person being slapped for speaking in Hindi. Ambedkar himself did know Tamil, The Irony."

Some users also came in support of the actor and said that the scene was incorporated as a strategy to catch-hold of the culprit who tries to get away knowing that Prakash's character doesn't understand Hindi. 

Another user said that the scene was the demand of the script, which was based on a real life story. The user commented, "He was an accused and he knows tamil very well but just to escape from police(Prakash Raj) he starts talking in hindi. Without knowing the context of the scene dont spit venom. Just see how speaks well in Tamil after getting slapped, the movie was abt a real life story not ur PR". 

'Jai Bhim' is directed by T J Granavel and produced by 2D Entertainment. The legal drama also stars Suriya Rajisha Vijayan, Lijomol Jose, Rao Ramesh and K. Manikandan. The movie premiered on Amazon Prime Video on November 2, 2021. 

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