New Delhi: Popular singer Neha Kakkar, who gave hits like ‘Dilbar’ and ‘Aankh Marey’ in 2018, is going through a rough patch in her personal life. The ‘Indian Idol 10’ judge has slipped into depression post her break-up with boyfriend and Himansh Kohli. Neha shared the news with her fans on Instagram and requested everyone to stop being judgmental and let her live happily.
The ‘Nikle Currant’ hit-maker shared notes on her Instagram stories and informed her fans that she is suffering from depression. Fans were shocked to know about her mental health and they have expressed their concern on some of her older posts.
“Yes I am in depression. Thanks to all the negative people in the world. You're successful in giving me the worst days of my life. Congratulations, you’re successful!,” one of Neha’s Instagram stories read.
(Source- Instagram)
The singer thanked her fans for their constant support but requested others to let her live her personal life.
(Source- Instagram)
Neha Kakkar, who had a successful 2018, made her relationship with Himash Kohli official about three months back on Indian Idol 10. However, last month gossip mills were buzzing with the rumours of their fall out after they unfollowed each other on Instagram. Neha had also deleted the pictures featuring Himansh, setting several tongues wagging.
The ‘Chhote Chhote Peg’ singer had posted several emotional notes on her Instagram stories last month, adding fuel to the rumours of her break-up with Himansh.
Watch this space for more updates!
Also READ- Neha Kakkar is SHATTERED and BROKEN after BREAK UP with Himansh Kohli