Kamal Haasan and Sarika's elder daughter Shruti Haasan filed a police complaint against a stalker named KG Guruprasad, after receiving various derogatory messages. The stalker is a Doctor, who hails from Karnataka has been posting offensive comments on her social media accounts.
Shruti Haasan
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Shruti Haasan has approached the Cyber Crime Grievance Cell in Chennai and lodged a complaint against the person, who also threatened to kill her.
The stalker has reportedly been tweeting to the 'Welcome Back' actress for the last few months, and sent her over 100 messages this month.
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This is not the first time that the popular actress has been stalked, Shruti was also attacked by a stalker at her residence in Mumbai in 2013.
Shruti Haasan, who is active in both Bollywood and Tollywood, is currently shooting for the Telugu film Katamarayudu.