In an unfortunate turn of events, popular Kannada actor Chiranjeevi Sarja, passed away on June 7 in Bengaluru. Nephew of Arjun Sarja, the actor passed away after suffering a fatal heart attack. The actor was taken to Sagar Apollo Hospitals and in the statement issued, it was mentioned that Chiranjeevi Sarja was brought to the hospital on Sunday afternoon in a non-responsive state, reports TNM.

The 39-year-old actor complained of restlessness following which he was rushed to a private hospital where he passed away, his family members said.

Chiranjeevi Sarja, the grandson of noted Kannada actor Shakti Prasad and nephew of multilingual film actor Arjun Sarja, had acted in 22 films.

Chiranjeevi had made his debut with the movie 'Vayuputra,' which was an home production of Sarja family.
His recent movie was 'Shivarjuna' where he starred along with Amrutha Iyengar and Akshatha Srinivas in the lead.
He had married actress Meghana Raj two years ago.

Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa condoled the death of Chiranjeevi Sarja and said he was a popular actor and was blessed with great talent.

Senior Congress leader Siddaramaiah also condoled the actor's death.

May his soul rest in peace!