Mumbai: The news of former Miss India International and Bollywood actress Pooja Batra's secret wedding with actor-beau Nawwab Shah started making rounds last week when the pictures of her's flaunting chooda and mehndi in her hands, went viral. The 'Virasat' actress, who reportedly got married in Jammu and Kashmir in a gathering of close friends and family recently, did not however make it official yet. But now, both the newlyweds, Pooja and Nawab have confirmed their wedding by sharing new set of pictures on their respective social media profiles. Pooja, who is known for her roles in the 90s hits like 'Haseena Maan Jaayegi', 'Nayak' and 'Virasat', took to her Instagram stories, where she shared a photograph of her wedding with Nawab. The former Miss India International also shared a photograph dressed as the bride posing with her mother and captioned it: "With My Wonder Woman ???? My Mom". She is seen wearing a gorgeous multicolored saree in green and red shades, flaunting chooda and mehendi in her hands wearing a big wide smile. In the marriage picture, the bride and the groom with turban on, is sitting at the mandap getting married following the traditional rituals.

Pooja Batra finally shares her wedding pic with Nawab Shah sitting at the mandap (Pic: Pooja Instagram stories)

Nawab also shared a post-wedding pic of himself along with chooda-clad Pooja and a friend. He captioned it: "Thank you Arjun for this amazing evening. Lots of love to you." He geo-tagged the post to Manesar.

Pooja shared the same pic saying - "With friends like Family at the @heritagevillageresortmanesarThank you for an awesome stay. Expect to see us back soon"

The two had earlier posted some pictures which hinted they were married when chooda was spotted on Pooja's hands. The two look perfect together and the new bride just gave away her marriage news by flaunting chooda during workout. The hubby captured her doing retro-walk(walking backwards) at a park, recording also a beautiful peacock matching steps with his wifey at a distance. Pooja clad in tshirt and jeggings, also can be seen wearing chooda in both her hands which had mehendi on too.

Pooja Batra Gets SECRETLY MARRIED To Actor-Boyfriend Nawab Shah In J&K, New Bride Flaunts 'Chooda' During Workout!

In another post early this month, the two flaunted their engagement rings on social media too. Placing both their hands with rings in their ring fingers, they captured a video and Nawab posted it saying, "a story you can make a movie on".

Nawab has appeared in films like 'Don 2', 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag', 'Tiger Zinda Hai'. He will next be seen in 'Dabangg 3'. He is also remembered as for playing the villain 'Kakodar' in Mukesh Khanna's 'Shaktimaan' in the 90s superhero tv series and whose catchphrase was 'andhera kaayam rahe'.

Pooja was previously married to an NRI doctor, Sonu S. Ahluwalia, from 2002 to 2011.  Post her marriage, she had shifted base to Los Angeles, California.

Pooja Batra with NRI ex-husband Sonu S.Ahluwalia(Photo: Web)

Nawab and Pooja had made their relationship official on Eid, posting a pic and captioning it- "It took 46 years for my soul to be Ready , and then my mate appeared . Eid Mubarak soulmate. Eid Mubarak to all."