'Bharat' actor Salman Khan made waves with his recent cycling stint on the streets of Mumbai when he traveled from his Bandra home to Yash Raj studios riding a bicycle followed by his bodyguards on their motorcycles. Salman's pictures and videos from Wednesday took over the internet but the actor also did something that could put him in legal trouble yet again. While in Andheri, a fan cum journalist named Ashok Pandey tried to record a video of Salman cycling through Mumbai streets from his car. While talking to ABP reporter Ravi Jain, Ashok revealed that Salman asked his security to stop him from recording his video. Ashok got into an argument with the security and he alleges that one of them even pushed his cameraman.
Meanwhile Salman also approached him and snatched mobile phone from his hand while he was seated inside the car, alleges Ashok Pandey.
Ashok Pandey alleges Salman Khan snatched him mobile phone from inside his car in Andheri on Wednesday
After Ashok objected to this, Salman's bodyguards did return his mobile phone but he alleges that Salman behaved very rudely with him.
Ashok narrates the story to ABP saying while he was seated in his car and spotted Salman on the streets, he did take the permission from his bodyguards to shoot him. Despite this, not only Salman forcefully tried to stop him but also got abusive with him while returning the mobile. Ashok also claims that he did also reveal his identity as a reporter to Salman. But the actor said it does not matter to him.
Salman Khan asking Ashok Pandey not to shoot himto not shoot him(Pic captured in Ashok's mobile camera)
Pained with Salman's attitude, Ashok Pandey has filed a complaint in Andheri's D N Nagar police station against the superstar.
ABP tried to reach out to Salman to get his version, but there was no response till the time this article was published.
Check out the copy of police complaint filed by Ashok Pandey against Salman Khan, below:
Copy of police complaint filed against Salman Khan alleging he snatched the mobile phone from Ashok Pandey
Police complaint against Salman Khan for allegedly snatching a journalist's mobile while cycling in Mumbai
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
25 Apr 2019 05:49 PM (IST)
Salman Khan was spotted on the Mumbai streets on Wednesday and now a journalist alleges that the superstar along with his bodyguards not only snatched his mobile phone but also misbehaved with him
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