Uttarkashi: Actor Vivek Oberoi on Saturday hurt himself while shooting for the biopic on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the picturesque Harshil valley of Uttarkashi district in Uttarakhand. Vital parts of the movie chronicling Modi's early life and political journey are being shot in the district at places like Ganga ghat, Kalp Kedar Mandir and the suspension bridge connecting Dharali bazar and Mukhba village.

Oberoi hurt himself slightly in the leg while shooting a scene which shows Modi walking barefoot on snow at Ganga ghat near Dharali village.

Doctors immediately did a stitch on the actor's leg who had got a cut from the pointed branch of a tree.

However, unit members said the actor is fine and has resumed shooting.

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The scene showing Modi unfurling the national flag at Srinagar's Lal Chawk along with other BJP leaders was also shot on a set erected in Dharali bazar.

The film is being directed by Omung Kumar, who is best known for films such as "Mary Kom" and "Sarabjit". PTI