A petition seeking stay on the release on Bollywood movie 'Shorgul' was today filed before the Allahabad High Court bench here alleging certain scenes in it threatened to disturb social harmony. The PIL was filed by a Meerut social worker Milan Som who sought a stay on the movie scheduled to be released on June 24.
According to petitioner's counsel Digvijay Nath Dubey, certain scenes in the film were highly objectionable and threatened to disturb social harmony.
The movie, featuring Jimmy Shergill and Ashutosh Rana in lead roles, is based on friendship between a Hindu boy and a Muslim girl that snowballs into a political issue leading to unrest and chaos in society.
Also: WATCH: Trailer of Jimmy Sheirgill and Ashutosh Rana starrer ‘Shorgul’
'Shorgul' has been shot in the backdrop of Muzaffarnagar communal riots in Uttar Pradesh in 2014.