Actor-Singer Ayushmann Khurrana's wife Tahira Kashyap revealed that she has been detected with pre-invasive breast cancer in September last year. The 'Vicky Donor' actor's wife took to Instagram and made the shocking revelation that she was detected with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) in her right breast with high grade malignant cells. Later, she revealed that the cancer is Stage 1a. Ever since then, Tahira continued to hold her grounds and inspired many with her fight with cancer. Whereas, husband Ayushmann was by her side giving couple goals to many.
Tahira with hubby Ayushmann (Photo: Instagram)
Earlier this month, Tahira posted a series of boomerang videos on Instagram announcing that she has completed her last session of chemotherapy. Post which, she shared pictures of her bald look on Instagram few days ago.
Last night, Tahira Kashyap was seen partying hard with hubby Ayushmann, brother-in-law Aparshakti Khurana among others at a friend's birthday bash. Tahira Kashyap has posted various pictures from the birthday bash on Instagram. Tahira shared a black and white mirror selfie with hubby Ayushmann in which she is confidently flaunting her new bald look. The picture has been captioned as, "Posers and Lovers @ayushmannk <3"
Take a look at the picture below:
After Sonali Bendre Ayushmann Khurrana's wife Tahira Kashyap embraces post-cancer bald look; SEE PICS
(Photo: Instagram)
Below are few more pictures from the birthday bash:
(Photo: Instagram)
(Photo: Instagram)
(Photo: Instagram)
Tahira and Ayushmann have been married since 2011 and have a 6-year-old son Virajveer Khurrana and 4-year-old daughter Varushka Khurrana.
On the career front, Ayushmann Khurrana is in his best phase with back-to-back success of his last four films 'Bareilly Barfi', 'Shubh Mangal Savdhan', 'AndhaDhun' & 'Badhaai Ho'. Whereas, he has films like 'Dream Girl' and 'Bala' in his kitty.
PICS: 'Posers and lovers' Ayushmann Khuranna, Tahira Kashyap have fun at a friend's birthday bash!
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
20 Jan 2019 09:31 PM (IST)
Tahira Kashyap flaunts her new bald look as she attends a friend's birthday bash with actor-beau Ayushmann Khurrana.
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