Recently the pictures of Alia Bhatt and her rumored beau Ranbir Kapoor taking a stroll in New York, went viral and a day later she is spotted chilling with the desi girl Priyanka Chopra. The 'Brahmastra' co-actor Ranbir-Alia have been setting the rumor mills buzzing every time they hang out together although neither of them has yet made their relationship public, and have only hinted towards it. Ranbir is currently in the US accompanying mom Neetu Singh and father Rishi Kapoor as the latter gets medical treatment there and his rumored girlfriend visited him in the city spending some quality time with him. The two even went shopping.

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Actress who's busy shooting her two upcoming films 'Brahmastra' and 'Kalank' took out time for Ranbir and also caught with Peecee who's in America currently. The two girls together painted the town red by walking the streets of NYC. Priyanka was wearing a red crop top with denims and black overcoat while Alia was in a long white dress with black leggings underneath and a half jacket. The latter was captured walking beside Peecee and tying her hair into a bun.

[swipe left in post below to view all pics!]

Alia and Priyanka share a good  bond as we saw the former attending the latter's Engagement party with Nick Jonas a while ago and in which only a few celebrities were invited by Peecee.

The bubbly Alia also gets along well with Ranbir Kapoor's ex flame Deepika Padukone and we saw the mind blowing glimpse of the same in the the first episode promo of Koffee With Karan season 6 that has Alia-Deepika together as guests sharing the couch on Karan Johar's show.

ALSO - Koffee With Karan 6 PROMO: Deepika-Alia discuss Ranbir Kapoor, their wedding & a LOT MORE on KJo’s show!