New Delhi: Bollywood actor Kajol, on Tuesday, posted a photo on Instagram with "Everest twins" Tashi and Nungshi Malik. In February 2018, Tashi and Nungshi became the first siblings and twins to scale the highest peaks in 7 continents. They first hogged the headlines after climbing the Mount Everest in May 2013.

Kajol (Photo: Web)

Kajol took to social media to share a picture posing with the siblings. "One more for the women's club! Girls can do anything," she captioned the post, celebrating 'girl power'.

Ajay Devgn shares smiling family picture from vacation with son Yug & daughter Nysa

Take a look at her post below:

The 23-year-old sisters from Sonepat are also the youngest in the world to have completed the 'Explorers Grand Slam adventure challenge' to reach the North Pole, the South Pole and all of the Seven Summits.

Kajol is one of the few Bollywood's A-list celebrities who are constantly active on Instagram. And this information was attested by her husband Ajay Devgan in the latest season of Koffee with Karan. He told the host Karan Johar that the 'Dilwale' actor is obsessed with clicking pictures.

"The problem is not clicking the picture. Problem is, three hours they are only correcting the picture so that they can post it. She's never done this in her life, budhaape me aake (now in her old age) I don't know why," Devgan asserted.