Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, who was recently seen romancing Shah Rukh Khan in Aanand L. Rai's 'Zero', is currently in New Zealand with husband and Indian Cricket Team captain Vira Kohli for the team's series against the Black Caps. Ever since they got married in December 2017, Virat & Anushka are giving couple goals to many and their pictures-videos often break the Internet. The same is happening again as few pictures of Virat & Anushka from New Zealand have already taken over the Internet.
Anushka with hubby Virat (Photo: Instagram)
The good-looking couple got clicked on the streets of Havelock North in New Zealand recently.In the pictures, Virat & Anushka can be seen twinning in black. While Virat is looking handsome in a black tracksuit, Anushka is looking elegant in a black striped outfit. In one of the pictures, Virat can be seen interacting with a little fans while Anushka looks on.
Take a look at the pictures below:
(Photo: Instagram)
AWWDORABLE ! This is how Anushka Sharma REACTS to HUBBY Virat Kohli's CENTURY !
(Photo: Instagram)
Anushka & Virat's picture with their little fan is too adorable.
On the professional front, Virat is indeed in the best phase in his career. Whereas, Anushka too is considered as one of the top actresses of Bollywood. However her last film 'Zero', also featuring Katrina Kaif in pivotal role, emerged out as one of the biggest disappointments and failed to do good business at the box-office. Post which, the 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi' actress is yet to announce her next film.