New Delhi: Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise has re-ignited debates on topics like nepotism, insider vs outsider and favoritism in Bollywood. Fans are finding it difficult to come to terms with his death. Kangana shared an explosive video last week and slammed all the blind items which spoke about the ‘Pavitra Rishta’ actor in bad light. Several users shared the clip on social media and demanded CBI enquiry in Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide. They have also blamed the ‘privileged club’ of Bollywood for the actor’s death.

Watch: Late Sushant Singh Rajput Serving Food To Indian Soldiers In This Throwback Video!

‘Bigg Boss 2’ contestant Payal Rohatgi has now shared a video in which she has made serious allegations against Sushant’s psychiatrist. She said that Sushant’s psychiatrist has a habit of diagnosing patients with bipolar disorder.

"I know him (Sushant’s psychiatrist) as Dibaker Banerjee sent me to him. Dibaker, who worked with Sushant in ‘Detective Byomkesh Bakshy!’, also recommended the doctor to the actor. There are ‘reports and talks’ where the psychiatrist spoke about Sushant’s treatment. I believe this is a conspiracy to declare Sushant's death as a suicide when there are chances it could be a murder,” Payal said.

The ‘Corporate’ actress also took a dig at filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt over his ‘physical proximity’ with Sushant’s rumoured girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. Check out the video!

Some reports suggested that Sushant’s psychiatrist said that the ‘Raabta’ actor regretted breaking up with his former girlfriend Ankita Lokhande. However, he squashed all the rumours in his post on Facebook. He clarified that he didn’t breach confidentiality by giving a statement to the media.

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Mumbai Police has reportedly recorded the statement of 16 people including Rhea Chakraborty, Mukesh Chhabra and Rohini Iyer in connection with Sushant's suicide case.

The ‘Kai Po Che’ actor’s father and sisters immersed his ashes in river Ganga on June 18. A week after his demise, Sushant’s family members organized a prayer meet for his well-wishers at their house in Patna.

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