New Delhi: Popular actor Dhanush, who was last seen in  'Asuran', is back to entertain his fans as his latest Tamil film 'Pattas' has finally hit the theatres today (January 15) on the occasion Pongal festival. Directed by R. S. Durai Senthilkumar, 'Pattas' is a tragic revenge drama which revolves around martial arts and Dhanush's fans were super-excited for the film's release. While 'Pattas' is receiving mixed reviews from critics, audience are loving the 'Raanjhana' actor's latest action entertainer.

Movie buffs have given ‘Pattas’ thumbs up on social media after watching the film's morning shows. From catchy music, sharp dialogues to Dhanush's amazing performance, fans are lauding the film. Take a look at few fans' reactions below:

Besides Dhanush, the film 'Pattas' also stars Sneha, Mehreen Pirzada and Nassar in pivotal roles.

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