New Delhi: As Kartik Aaryan turned 29 on Friday (22nd November), he received a special surprise from his parents. The 'Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety' actor, who is busy with back-to-back films in his kitty shared a series of pictures on his Instagram, where his parents, who seemed to have surprised him by sneaking into his house, have decorating it with balloons, his childhood pictures, and two lovely cakes.

Completely awestruck by the beautiful gesture of his parents, an ecstatic Kartik is seen cutting the cake with "Koki" written on it.

"Jab Mummy Papa ne bday pe surprise kiya," he captioned the pictures. Take a look at the pictures below (SWIPE LEFT):

The actor who is awaiting the release of his upcoming drama 'Pati Patni Aur Woh' starring Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Panday recently wrapped up the Punjab shooting schedule of his next 'Dostana 2.'

The actor documented the wrap-up pictures where he is seen striking a pose with the entire cast and crew.

The shooting for the film began on November 9, the star had revealed by sharing his picture along with the clapper-board on Instagram.

Before commencing the shoot of his much-awaited film, the 'Luka Chuppi' actor shared a post on the photo-sharing application where he is seen seeking blessings from Karan Johar.

Here's wishing Kartik Aaryan a very happy birthday!