New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan’s spy-thriller 'Pathaan' has broken numerous records since its release on January 25. After an astounding opening of Rs 55 crore, the movie made Rs 68 crore on its second day, Rs 38 crore on its third day, and then it picked up again over the weekend with Rs 51.50 crore. According to early estimates, it has already made over Rs 58.50 crore on its fifth day on Sunday.

'Pathaan' beat out 'KGF 2' and the Hindi version of 'Baahubali 2', which reached the milestone on their fifth and sixth days, respectively, to become the fastest movie in history to earn Rs 200 crore. The movie is currently edging closer to the Rs 300 crore milestone at the domestic box office, as predicted in the early estimates.

Taran Adarsh, a film critic and trade analyst, reported that the Hindi version of the movie would bring in Rs 58.50 crores on Sunday. He shared the film's revenues on Twitter, stating,"#Pathaan is a #BO TSUNAMI… REBOOTS and REVIVES biz of #Hindi films… Collects UNIMAGINABLE and UNTHINKABLE numbers in its HISTORIC 5-day *extended* weekend… Wed 55 cr, Thu 68 cr, Fri 38 cr, Sat 51.50 cr, Sun 58.50 cr. Total: ₹ 271 cr. #Hindi. #India biz."

The trade analyst also shared the worldwide collection of the spy flick which has hit the Rs 500 crore milestone on Day 5.

“'PATHAAN’ CROSSES ₹ 500 CR MARK: ₹ 542 CR WORLDWIDE *GROSS* IN 5 DAYS… #Pathaan WORLDWIDE [#India + #Overseas] *Gross* BOC… *5 days*… #India: ₹ 335 cr #Overseas: ₹ 207 cr Worldwide Total *GROSS*: ₹ 542 cr,” he wrote in the recent tweet.

As of right now, 'Pathaan' is the only Hindi movie to have three days grossing Rs 50 crore.

The movie, directed by Siddharth Anand, was released in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu on Wednesday, the day before Republic Day 2023. 'Pathaan' also stars Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Ashutosh Rana, and Dimple Kapadia along with Shah Rukh. Salman Khan also makes a cameo appearance in the action movie produced by Yash Raj Films.