Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra are all set to entertain the audience with their upcoming film ‘Jabariya Jodi’. The two actors shared a sizzling chemistry in the film ‘Hasee To Phasee’ and fans are eagerly waiting to see them together once again. The first poster of the comedy drama film managed to create a buzz among the movie buffs. A report in a leading publication stated that Sidharth has walked out of the film; leaving the fans confused.

The report suggested that the ‘Aiyaary’ actor is no longer part of the film for reasons lesser known. Sid’s co-star Parineeti was quick enough to squash all the rumours with a single tweet. Her hilarious reponse to the speculation will definitely make you go ROFL.

The ‘Namaste England’ actress wrote, ‘’Oh no so then who is this boy posing as Sidharth on my set? I was just about to shoot a romantic scene with him!! @S1dharthM... @ektaravikapoor is this a K serial twist I didnt know about?!’’.

Interestingly, the film is being produced by Ekta Kapoor and her K serials are known to have out of the box twists where the lead character’s face is changed with a plastic surgery.

Sidharth took a dig at the publication for their report on Twitter.

Ekta Kapoor also joined the fun chat on Twitter and wrote, ‘’Face change babes!! Wait for wat happens post d freeze !!!!!heehaww.’’

Talking about the film, ‘Jabariya Shaadi’ is being directed by Prashant Singh and co-produced by Ekta’s Balaji Telefilms and Karma Media Entertainment. The upcoming movie was initially titled ‘Shotgun Shaadi’.

On the professional front both Sidharth and Parineeti have a couple of exciting projects in their kitty. While the handsome actor has Vikram Batra biopic, Pari will be seen in ‘Namaste England’, ‘Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar’ and ‘Kesari’.

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